CHEERing is totally fun !
But hold on, where's me? On the uppest photo , i'm the 2nd one from the right. Wearing a CHEERS costume ( almost everyone is wearing it? Stupid me.). On the photo below it , i'm the 3rd one from the right. The full body picture where there's 2 people in it, i'm the right one. And the picture below it, i'm on the right (again). And the bottomest picture, i'm the 4th person from the right (what's with the right? LOL).
So you know me now. Next time I don't have to tell which one is me. Just guess where Diah,Maia, and Dinta is. I don't have to mention where they are one by one.
In this picture we're at Senayan. We're waiting our turn to play in.

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